Monday, July 18, 2011

Ssavgent.exe won't stop popping up?

I have Windows 7. I downloaded the Sims 2 H&M Fashion stuff rar. File fron Pirate Bay and when I opened the file using WinZip. a bunch of windows started popping asking if I'd like to run save or cancel ssavgent.exe and it WILL NOT STOP. I know a million people say it has to do with a Java error and to open this and that but you have to understand I cannot do ANYTHING on my laptop b/c the windows won't stop popping up (everybody elses problem seems to be that they are asked what type of program they want to use to open something which is not my case). I've tried booting in Safe Mode to run virus scans but they won't even open (it asks to run an exe. File and when it finishes it still won't work$. I've also deleted the rar. File and from WinZip but it still won't work. Please help me out I really need to fix this.

Christian's reign depends on Undertaker's return?

If Christian wins back the WHC, which he should because if Randy Orton keeps winning it wouldn't be a good rivalry, I think he would have to lose it when Undertaker returns. WWE is obviously pushing Randy Orton and Randy Orton vs Undertaker feud would make more sense because they feuded before. There is great rivalry between them.

Mormons: Jews and Hebrews did not restrict blacks from the priesthood?

The Jews restricted everyone, except Levites, from the Aaronic priesthood. The Patriarchal Order of the Priesthood appears to have been even more selective, as it determined the royal family.

Where do I go from here? Where should I move?

I want to move away. I feel extremely stifled in my life. I'm living at home in MA but I want to move somewhere cheaper so I can live on my own and restart my life. I'm 23, I have a bachelor's in Geology and $6k in my life savings, where do you think is a good place? How's the southwest for living expenses and all that? Thanks.

What do you live for? heaven? yeah that worked for me for a while, and now I just want to be free without?

the threat of hell. this life is too damn long to sit around drinking milk and reading scripture. God and his holy spirit show up right on time when you slightly hurt a persons feelings. But you need to know why demons have free reign over the earth till judgement day tormenting people. yes you can just forget about Joy or happiness. we need to take some tests! and we need to pass them because suffering gives patience and patience endurance. Yeah like were going to need to stockpile that crap for heaven.

Which WWE/World title reign was your favorite?

Rock s my fav I also liked cm punk s 1st title win he beat edge everyone went crazy people were posting videos by the second

How do I detach from my mother and the way she's trying to control my life?

Okay Your 18 You are an Adult. She raised you for the amount of time she was suppost too. She can't hold you back anymore. I you wanna go to this College go without her. You have to move out on your own to where you want to go. It doesn't have to be right away. you can start college at anytime. Tere isn't anything she can do about it either.

What bit shall I use to encourage a bend on a young horse?

I am currently riding my welsh d mare (4yrs) in a loose ring sweet iron bit with bronze rings, I'm not sure on the name. I am unsure on how to encourage a bend using the correct equipment while she is young. I ride her correctly and work her from underneath and ensure she uses her behind but still she only bends when she feels like it in walk. I have been told to use double reigns and pelham but I would have thought that would be too strong for such a young mouth? Perhaps a bungee? Please help, all answers welcome and the best and most polite will be given five stars. Thank you.

Questions of science, science and progress. Top 7 Coldplay songs?

I'm bad with song titles, but I love Coldplay. I've been a fan of theirs for years, and my favorite album is definitely Viva La Vida. Love them all....but that is my fave!

Why are people rudeabout weight, looks, and popularity?

And in a few years it'll be the gay, the ones who like math or band, or the one with purple hair or a nose ring. People just don't respect the individual anymore.

When you see someone you used to know in the store, do you say hi?

That's a nice story of Friendship, and to think that happened in real life, I mean that touched my heart =) I think it is a good Idea to say hi cause You don't know what has happened over the years

What is Special about Windows Phone 7/ 7.5?

Ok lets put it this way, iOS reigns in the apps department. Android reigns in customization. What does Windows Phone 7/ 7.5 superior in?

Christians, where does it say people go to Heaven if they are "saved"?

Where does the bible say that "saved" people will live in "heaven" as a reward? I cannot find this phrase. Paul claims that he knew someone that claimed to have gone to a heaven, since apparently there are many, but even Paul is unsure of the details or whether the guy really went to a heaven or dreamt it. So once again, where does the bible say that people will live in heaven if they are "saved" ? Also, keep in mind that the kingdom of heaven/kingdom of God refer to the state of being saved and to the future age where a jew of the lineage of david will reign as king in Israel, and not to a place as "God" isn't a place. I would just like a verse that says something along the lines of "saved people go to heaven".

I don't know what to do about my friend?

So, I'm 16 and my bi sexual friend came out to me 3 weeks ago. I had no problem with her being bi, because I have tons of gay guy friends. She told me she liked me, so I told her I'm straight and didn't like her, but now she's like being weird. She'll text me little <3 and she'll tell me she loves me. Then on facebook she tagged me in a post telling me she loved me. Now everybody thinks I'm a lesbian. Two nights ago she sent me a relationship thing on facebook and when I rejected it, SHE CAME TO MY HOUSE AND KNOCKED ON MY EFFING WINDOW AND TOLD ME THAT WE WERE GOING TO SEE A MOVIE. Just last night she keeps sending me messages on facebook about how she loves me and wants to have s3x. Her first message literally said "I want our 1st time to b special <33" Then She thinks where in a relationship or something. Then today, I was at the mall with my boyfriend, and somehow she found me and came up to me and kissed me!!!! I deleted her off facebook and tried to tell her that I didn't like her nor could I ever like her. Now, she keeps calling me leaving me very sexual voice mails. I'm afraid she's going to start telling my boyfriend lies about how I'm in love with her and how we already had s3x even though we didn't. Then, she keeps driving by my house and she slows down to look inside. I'm so scared!!! My parents won't listen to anything I say. It's really getting annoying, because she calls me every 15 minutes and texts me like every second! The phone company won't block her number either!! I don't really want to call the cops because everyone will know and it might embarrass her. I want to be her friend, but I don't want to be her girlfriend. What should I do? Thanks xoxo

Will We See A Diva's Elimination Chamber?

Nope. Why do you think the Divas of today never participate in hardcore matches or street fights? Its because they don't have enough talent and are too prissy to take a few bumps. Victoria chipped her tooth facing Trish in a street fight. You think Divas like Kelly Kelly, Maryse, and The Bellas are willing to compete in a match like that? Didn't think so. They really wouldn't if they were able to compete in an EC.

Is a 22 Year Old Male Virgin Pathetic?

I'm in the same boat as you are. I'm 23 and virgin. Women are just very judging creatures. Even more than men are.

Hey why does everybody hate sarah palin?

I don't know why everyone keeps making fun of her or insulting her. i only know that she lost a couple of important letter and that everybody keeps metioning something about maverick.... :/ ? (i don't get it)

Why does God test us?

If there was no bad, there would be no good. Life would just be boring, and you wouldn't appreciate anything that you have.

Christian: a question about scripture?

Yes that was troubling to me too. If you aren't going to tell people exactly what you expect of them it's kind of cruel to punish them for not meeting your needs.

B&A: Can you read this and tell me if it's working?

It seems over-dramatic, to be honest. It kind of goes on a little too much, and someone unfamiliar with the character likely doesn't care enough about his dying. It's a little better toward the end, but I'm not really liking the narrator. It's kinda hard to describe... he/she sounds rather whiny.

Who sang "everybody knows what I've been through, dreaming dreams that can't come true...?"?

Easy listening song from the early 60's, maybe even earlier. The voice sounds like Dean Martin but I do not think it is him. "Each night I go otu walking down by our rendevous, I can hear the people talking, they're saying I miss you..."

What was the longest-ruling dynasty/family in history?

You can make the call on iffy scenarios, I'M asking YOU. Like, if a family ruled X years, was deposed, then came back, or if they ruled one place from A to D, and another from C to M, you can consider 'A-M' as their reign... Whatever.

I need helpppp!!!!!!?

I need help with my gamertag i wanna change it really bad its for xboxlive so could everybody who has xboxlive report my gamert tag. GREGSTERDUDE. Is my gamer tag

Is it possible to go to an acting school AFTER college?

I am currently a student at Dartmouth College, however I have a low gpa due to failing science courses for pre med school: it's 3.0. I still want to be a doctor, so am taking another year to do the prereqs and get my gpa up, however i already have the courses for my psych and english major and am thinking of finishing up to get my theater minor as well. I enjoy writing, acting, singing, etc, but that won't pay the bills. I've always had a dream of acting on stage or for TV, but it was stifled by parents. the question is if I take the year to not only to my pre med reqs, but to finish my theater minor and participate in more productions (i have acted in two and have written plays for 4). Should I go to an acting college during my gap year of applying to med school? Can I even get in and how? How hard is it to get into the Yale School of Drama? PLEASE HELP i'm sooo confused. I will have a BA, but do I need to get the BFA if I want to continue acting?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Should the Cubs switch their song from Go Cubs Go to I don't care anymore by Phil Collins?

"you can tell everybody about the state I'm in You won't catch me crying because I just can't win. I don't care anymore. I don't care anymore." Sounds about like the attitude of most Cubs fans I know and I now live in Iowa the middle of the heartland. This is Cubs country.

How should I handle a crazy ex?

We dated for 3 years, he is 20 now. We were in a very serious relationship and thought we were in love, destined to be married. I broke up with him 3 months ago because I was stifled and had emotionally cheated on him, never physically though. I felt terrible and guilty but all I could do is apologize and move on. First he attempted suicide and with that failed he began cutting his arms severely and burning them with a lighter. He would harass me by waiting for me at my car after school, go to intersections he knew I drove through frequently, and call my mom and dad's phones. I went on a cruise for spring break and added some guys I met on the cruise despite his "rules" that I had to wear jeans and turtlenecks and not speak to one male... When he saw I added them, he made a fake profile (i had blocked him) and started harassing them and me with messages cursing me out. I have never been so depressed in my life because of course part of me will always love him. The stalking continues and he even technically raped me the one time I met up with him to talk and he threatened to sue the company we owned together (now just me). My parents want to get a restraining order but my biggest fear is the HUGE collection of "photos" he has of me. If I upset him (with a restraining order) he can turn those over (near 500 of them....) and I will have to register as a sex offender for life because I was under age at the time for many of them. I am furious and upset but never want to intentionally hurt him, I will always care about him. What do I do? My parents have tried to help, but they only understand so much (they don't know about the pictures but know about everything else) And he doesn't care about himself having to register as a sex offender and possibly both of us doing jail time because he is already suicidal and has no preference on his quality of life other than ruining mine. He says he still loves me and wants to be with me, ha. help!

I'm recently divorced. What do I say when new people ask about whether I'm married?

Just tell them ur not married, and change the subject. it is nobodys business but your own unless you have started dating.. then its ok to explain that u got a divorce.. if anyone other than that pusehes the issue at work, kindly tell them you dont wish to talk about the matter..

Why are so many people religious?

I don't know if it's just because of where I live, but practically everybody I know is religious to some extent. I don't understand this! It is sooo easy to see all the fallacies in religion. I am willing to accept it if I am missing something, but I seriously can't find any loopholes or reasons to believe that any religion is correct. Are these people just in denial or lying? Am I the one that is really uneducated on these matters? Or, are most people just that ignorant? I really want to figure out the truth, whatever that may be. I can deal with it. Please, I am not trolling here. I really cannot fathom why so many people are religious. Can somebody explain it to me as objectively as possible?

Critique my first chapter. Would you keep reading? What genre do you think it is?

I think its fantasy. It is very well written, its just not my genre. But fantasy fans would probably like it. Well done!

Did anybody believe in ted thompson?

i remember everybody hating on him when he dished out favre to the jets and now they love him after the packers win the superbowl. did anybody ever believe in his decision and believe in rodgers three years ago?

My dad is originally from Britain, do I qualify for citizenship?

If you want a British citizenship you need to either have been born in Britain or have immigrated to Britain.

Why are these megadeth and maiden albums so hated?

Ok when it comes to megadeth,everybody says killing is my bisuness sucked when its a thrash metal classic.Just listen to rattlehead,chose ones and the mechanix and tell me how its sucked,the only bad song was the "these boots" cover.Risk was hated because it had the audacity not to be metal.I definatly like the classic megadeth sound better but it was refreshing to see megadeth explore industrial.There is plenty of good songs on that highly underated cd including insomnia,breadline,seven,time the beggining and end.I hate how people trash bands when they change there sound and the music doesnt suck.When metallica tried to be hillbillies on load and reload I hated those albums because the music sucked,not because they tried to be different.With iron maiden,i believe that maiden ceased being a great band after the 80s but the x factor and virtual 11 are rock solid albums.Everyone hates these albums because blaze bailey and not bruce dickenson is the vocalist but the same people love the paul dianno albums so thats pretty stupid dont you think?

Does everybody's soul get judged?

upon Jesus' 2nd Coming the dead in Christ are raised, then then the living Righteous go up, the wicked dead remain in their grave while the living wicked are slain, at the end of 1000 yrs. the wicked are judged, they then with satan as their "captain" try to overthrow Jesus and the Righteous but to no avail and are consumed/detroyed Per Scriptures:-)

How do I deal with a mindblock?

I've been feeling like I can't really think too long or hard about stuff, I hate it because I feel like my creativity has been stifled because I can't really imagine and brainstorm and my grades are kind of going down. When I receive projects I end up turning them in quite late and freaking out about what to write. How do I deal with this?

If I write an article about how my school suppresses creativity, is there any way that I can get in trouble?

I'm writing an article for an online site about how my school stifles creativity and self-expression for what it deems more important (sports). Is there any possible way that I can get in trouble for this from my school or anything? I'm not too good with legal stuff or whatever. Hehe.

Are there any relation between these?

In canticles chapter 8 it talks about a little sister without breasts and a wall and 1000 pieces of silver which either 200 of 1200 belong to solomons brother solomon or one fifth of the thousand. Now in revelation chapter 20 and 6 it mentions the thousand year reign in canticles 8 it mentions a wall and a battlement of silver. Now it measures the structure of its wall. Of which i would like to know according to the periodic table of elements which is the strongest and if the base is either jasper or diamond according to to some jasper means diamond of which if it is the strongest material is at the base.. Also the seventh up is crysolite which an angel appeared as crysolite in Daniel 10:6 and in ezekiel the the four living creatures which some believe to be the strong weak nuclear force and the electromagnetic force and gravity. Of which in earlier may be a poetic description of our universe. Now the wall was built like this. Diamond ( for arguments sake) sapphire chalcondony emerald sardonyx sardius chrysolite beryl topaz chrysoprase hyacinth and finally amethyst. However job did mention in 28 verse 18 coral and rock crystal will not be mentioned. Anyway there's so much more to say and typing on my android sucks can anyone tell me if there's science in the 12 foundations of this 144 cubit wall is there an engineers intelligents behind the rocks integrity? And set about grammer using it on this phone sucks. Anyone who speaks abusive of me is gay and anyone who is gay is gay so go look for your pot of gold somewhere else and trip on 666 gold talents some day.

How can I take my sonnets to the next level?

Sonnets require extreme precision. You've got the basic idea, but your rhymes are not very well thought out and your scansion is weak. The first, fourth, and final line are the only ones in good iambic pentameter, and if you're not going to use I/P in a sonnet you might as well be writing free verse. Also, note that in a sonnet the focus falls on the closing couplet. It should "inform" the rest of the poem rather than simply re-stating a theme. A good sonnet reads like a riddle. Also, the closing couplet ABSOLUTELY has to rhyme. "Other" and "lover" don't. Keep at it.

What should I do about my bi-sexual friend?

So, I'm 16 and my bi sexual friend came out to me 3 weeks ago. I had no problem with her being bi, because I have tons of gay guy friends. She told me she liked me, so I told her I'm straight and didn't like her, but now she's like being weird. She'll text me little <3 and she'll tell me she loves me. Then on facebook she tagged me in a post telling me she loved me. Now everybody thinks I'm a lesbian. Two nights ago she sent me a relationship thing on facebook and when I rejected it, SHE CAME TO MY HOUSE AND KNOCKED ON MY EFFING WINDOW AND TOLD ME THAT WE WERE GOING TO SEE A MOVIE. Just last night she keeps sending me messages on facebook about how she loves me and wants to have s3x. Her first message literally said "I want our 1st time to b special <33" Then She thinks where in a relationship or something. Then today, I was at the mall with my boyfriend, and somehow she found me and came up to me and kissed me!!!! I deleted her off facebook and tried to tell her that I didn't like her nor could I ever like her. Now, she keeps calling me leaving me very sexual voice mails. I'm afraid she's going to start telling my boyfriend lies about how I'm in love with her and how we already had s3x even though we didn't. Then, she keeps driving by my house and she slows down to look inside. I'm so scared!!! My parents won't listen to anything I say. It's really getting annoying, because she calls me every 15 minutes and texts me like every second! The phone company won't block her number either!! I don't really want to call the cops because everyone will know and it might embarrass her. I want to be her friend, but I don't want to be her girlfriend. What should I do? Thanks xoxo

Are there any relation between these?

In canticles chapter 8 it talks about a little sister without breasts and a wall and 1000 pieces of silver which either 200 of 1200 belong to solomons brother solomon or one fifth of the thousand. Now in revelation chapter 20 and 6 it mentions the thousand year reign in canticles 8 it mentions a wall and a battlement of silver. Now it measures the structure of its wall. Of which i would like to know according to the periodic table of elements which is the strongest and if the base is either jasper or diamond according to to some jasper means diamond of which if it is the strongest material is at the base.. Also the seventh up is crysolite which an angel appeared as crysolite in Daniel 10:6 and in ezekiel the the four living creatures which some believe to be the strong weak nuclear force and the electromagnetic force and gravity. Of which in earlier may be a poetic description of our universe. Now the wall was built like this. Diamond ( for arguments sake) sapphire chalcondony emerald sardonyx sardius chrysolite beryl topaz chrysoprase hyacinth and finally amethyst. However job did mention in 28 verse 18 coral and rock crystal will not be mentioned. Anyway there's so much more to say and typing on my android sucks can anyone tell me if there's science in the 12 foundations of this 144 cubit wall is there an engineers intelligents behind the rocks integrity? And set about grammer using it on this phone sucks. Anyone who speaks abusive of me is gay and anyone who is gay is gay so go look for your pot of gold somewhere else and trip on 666 gold talents some day.

Did u c Rand Paul on Anderson Cooper last night about Obama's illegal war in Libya and how debate is stifled?

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What do you think of this tattoo poem? (all credit goes to Truth)?

i don't like it at all. That may be his opinion on tattoos but it's also super stereotypical. He should stop wasting his time on bashing people w/ tattoos

What's the meaning of "We are fools for God."?

This dictionary definition is suitable for an understanding. Fool: a silly or stupid person; a person who lacks judgment or sense. A fool for God would then be a person that makes themself stupid because of their belief in a diety. I think the quote means to give up on thinking, or reasoning out the faith.

TRUE or FALSE: Everybody wishes they could go to Heaven but no one wants to die?

a song by my favorite band is called everybody wants to to heave,nobody wants to die. i agree with the saying. heaven sounds nice,its jsut the unknown process of dying that scares most

Jehovah witness can you tell me why?

We teach / preach the same gospel Jesus did. The theme of his preaching was God's Kingdom, and how it is the ONLY real solution to mankind's problems. Yes, we talk about war, crime, injustice, etc., but in the context that it fulfills the signs of the last days, that Jesus taught about, and that the end of this system is very close. We preach the same thing Jesus did. If you preach anything different, YOU preach a different and corrupt gospel.

How long does is take for the effects of bute to wear off? (Mystery lameness)?

Depending on the size of the horse, at 12 hours it should where off. However twenty four hours should be sufficient, but there COULD still be trace amounts, so forty eight hours should do it if your worried about any being in his system.

A question about kate middleton and mary of denmark?

Don't know about The Duchess of Cambridge, but I can tell you for certain that Princess Mary didn't even know who Frederik, Pavlos and Nicolas were when she met them

In Warcraft III where alchemist appear?

In Warcraft III Frozen Throne and Warcraft III Reign of Chaos I finish all the Campaign but I do not know where the Alchemist appears anyone know where Alchemist appear?

Timeline of events during the reign of Ramses the second?

I tried looking for one but couldn't find any. Could someone post a timeline of events during his reign. I need it for a history assignment.

Good looking people get treated better? Well, I know this girl...?

Because people can be cruel. Tell her to move on to new, less shallow friends. It doesn't matter what she does, these people will continue to be jerks no matter what.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Describe what life was like for early Christians during the reign of the roman empire?

Do you mean before or after Christianity was made the state religion as they are both Early days for Christianity

I was talking to a few friends about what the word queer means?

Then they all gasped when I used it. I’m bisexual; I usually say that I am queer ID. Most of my friends hate when I say this, my sister refuses to say that I’m queer ID. I understand that this is a dirty word to them, mainly because of the negativity it was used for. But I know a lot of LGBT who say queer community mainly because it’s an umbrella term for us, it covers everybody under it. I tried to explain this but they wouldn't hear it (they are straight by the way) how can I explain that this is now our word, that I am queer and proud of it? Should I stop using it because it makes others feel uncomfortable?

Question about Plumbing......?

Hi im 15 years old and i will be 16 in 19 days time, i have just finished high school and im moving on to college where i have been granted a place to train to become a plumber on a high high course for my age, considering my age this course is generally the next step up from your basics in plumbing...its an NVQ Level 2 and because i have learnt all the basics in plumbing through my dad, i was able to take part in this course. I went to the interview today and i was by far the youngest guy there, ages ranged from 18-50 so i was obviously the youngest ones. My question is, is plumbing a well paid job once qualifications are obtained and especially as im so young yet more experienced than most my age do i have the potential to be on a very high salary once i leave college? there is no chance of me messing around as everybody is matured in the class and even married therefore i will also have guidance off of older students possibly more knowledgable than me. so anyway let me know if i have a bright future if i stick to this plan and if plumbing is a well paid job, thanks.

I can't remember the name of this show....?

All I remember is that there was this daisy on the show that sang: "always remember to apologize say I'm sorry or pardon me everybody makes mistakes someimes even mommy and daddy" I really would like to know the name of this show. It aired in the late 90s on PBS. Thanks! :)

If my whole family is alumni, Is it easier for me to get in?

My mother, father, uncles, aunts, everybody went to Michigan State. We used to live down to road from the campus, but my mom, dad, and I moved to California a couple of years ago. I am looking at going to an in-state university and study veterinary science and then apply to Michigan State to get my graduate degree in Veterinary Science (DVM) to become a Veterinarian. Because there is only 28 veterinary schools, admissions is very very competitive and Michigan State ranks in the top 10 of the 28 veterinary schools. If I do well in my undergraduate studies and apply to Michigan State, will my families history with the university have any effect on their decision? Almost everyone in my family went to this college, would I have any advantages?

Does wladimir klitchko's legacy depend big time on beating david haye?

wladimir is the ring magazine champ and currently holds the ibf, ibo and the wbo belt. i believe wladimir is also the longest reigning champ for ibf, wbo and ibo. this is something that wont easily be duplicated, he also amassed 49 KOs in 55 wins and despite this impressive resume, some still question his place in the history of the sports,, some question "what has been his most notable win"? will a win against a high caliber opponent in haye solidify wlad's claim to greatness? though personally i believe wlad is one of the best and it is not his fault that he's fighting in a weak era, his domination to me is enough to put him up there, i believe wlad needs this fight, this is going to be his biggest challenge and he needs to win to prove his doubters wrong,, your thoughts please? thanks and y'all have a great day!

Why was unemployment high during Margaret Thatcher's reign?

When Thatcher came to power, the UK's budget was in such a mess that the IMF had been called in by the previous government to stop us going bankrupt. A total over-haul of the economy was required, scaling back public spending and ending government support of failing businesses (such as mining). This led to a lot of public sector jobs being cut to try and save money, and obviously there were a lot of people losing their jobs as the private sector tried to get back on its feet. The high unemployment at the start of her time as Prime minister was due to a mixture of economic factors, and the policies put in place to try and fix the economy. By the end of her time in charge, however, unemployment had fallen drastically.

How do I become a good cheerleader?

Well, I love cheering and I really wanna try out for my 8th grade team there's just some slight problems I haven't taken any cheer or tumble classes.. I can barely do a cartwheel and barley a handstand.. and that's all I can do I can't do any other tumbling things like the splits or etc. My friends say I should try out but, I'm afraid I'm going to embarrass myself in front of everybody else trying out! I just want to know how I can start working on my tumbling skills that way I can be a better tumbler and cheerleader! (: Any good and helpful answers will help me alot! (:

What do you think of the arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn ?

I, I find great, wonderful, the American Police! They have not taken into account social status and they have considered the testimony of the Maid. In France, the case would have been stifled. On the Isle of Man, the Police voiced the same sense of duty than the US Police. They kept in Police custody several days up to that find the body, a billionaire suspected of killing his wife.

Is it okay to break up with my long distance boyfriend on instant messaging?

I would say don't do it. It's not a very nice thing to do, and it also could be taken the wrong way (he might think someone else got onto your account, playing a joke, etc). At least give him the courtesy of a phone call or skype call so you can explain things to him. It would be really awful to be on the other end of things and only receive several lines of text that end your relationship.

Who here think sepultura is 10x better than slayer?

sepultura can actually play..and the vocal is beyond awesome and so hardcore..just listen to shitti bass lines of tom araya and tht poser kerry king cant play for ****.hanneman is ordinary at its best..the only talented guy from slayer is lombardo and thts it...u cant entertain ppl for 30 years with only one good song reigning blood and shity music...slayer is a total garbage sepultura kicks ***!

How do i know if my horse has a broken leg?

hes walking on it but hes limping real bad and looks in pain is there any signs besides limpin or is there a certain way it looks. last spring sometime he had a pulled stifle joint. he walks worse than then.

How do you take a screen shot on the samsung galaxy s 4g?

I have been trying to figure out how to take a screen shot on the Samsung Galaxy s 4g without downloading an app. Everybody keeps saying you have to have android 2.2 to take a screen shot what is android 2.2 and how do you take a screen shot?

Why do people say Sharapova is grunting during her tennis matches?

Maybe I have a different dictionary to everybody else, but why do tennis journalists say Sharapova is 'grunting' when she's playing tennis? The definition of a grunt is a hollow sound made by a hog. To utter or express with a deep guttural sound. Sharapova and Co shriek, scream, screech, wail, but they do not grunt.

Do you think CM Punk will finally win the WWE Championship at WWE Money In The Bank?

I hope so. If CM Punk wins this, this would be his 2nd WWE Title reign, 4th World Championship reign overall. CM Punk needs to once again prove how much of a great leader he is by winning the WWE Championship again and retire with the Championship.

President obama change?

Obama is killing Upper class middle class and lower class. He spent all the poors social benefits money then he is giving the rest of medicaid to people who make 64k a year and have health benefits. He is killing the poor. Minorities unemployment rate before Obama was 9.6% now it is 29%.

When Prince Harry Marries what titles would his wife take?

Would she also become a Duchess, Countess and Baroness like Kate? I know it would depend on who is the reigning monarch at the time . If Anyone could tell me would be interesting thanx !

How do I stop the Zune program from dominating the format of my mp3's?

I downloaded the software for my Future Zune mp3 player but I don't like the fact it's dominating my mp3s. Where there was a music note is now the Zune, How do I get my Windows Player back in reign of my mp3's?

What's your opinion on Preterism?

misguided theory will not help anyone get to probably serves the Devil more good than people realize.

How long does your first love last? .. your regular chick flick drama tings $:?

It lasts right up until the woman exhibits her true nature and immediately spreads her legs for the next shiny object to come into her sl.utdar. <---thats a merging of sl.ut and radar incase you wondered.

What is the answer to America's problems; "Patriotism or Globalism"?

Well that's a bit of a paradox as they are using Patriotism to achieve Globalism, as they are using the American forces for regime change through out the Arab countries to achieve their One World Order. with the added 'Eugenics' which they want 80% of the world population dead.

If the Rich decided to leave the UK, how would the Poor survive?

I have absolutely no problem with people who earn the money without screwing over the country. I do however have a problem with rich kids who inherit all their parents money and go to eton, like half our cabinet.

Do you like to see the World Titles change hands often?

I think that its ruining the titles prestige and it seems like the U.S. Championship and Intercontinental Championship has longer reigns than the world title

Does one not feel desire in heaven?

All the desires we stifle in our living life, one's forbidden by religion, Will we not feel the same desires in heaven?

Thinking about quitting sport?

I'm on the poms team for my high school. I was on JV the past two years, and this year i made Varsity. i was so excited to prove to everybody that i could do it. But after having practice for about a month, i just feel like i can't take it anymore. My coach only cares about winning, and she picks on people (especially me) and always just comments on things you do wrong, never once giving encouragement. I get so stressed out and worry about it 24/7. I try my absolute hardest, and i still get yelled at like crazy. I dread going to it, because i want to have fun, i'm not all about winning. I know her criticism will help me improve, but i just feel like it's taking so much enjoyment out of my life. Should i quit? I really want to do it for performing at football and basketball games, but all my coach cares about is winning at competition.

How can I calibrate my IPod touch screen?

On the top of the screen there's something of a black line where the screen should just be further up. It seems to be only on YouTube and safari and that's it, none of my other apps. Its really bothering me and I don't know what to do because everybody says you have to bring it to the store but i don't want to tell my mother I broke my iPod again. soo if anyone can tell me why it's doing this or If there was any way I could fix it, it would be greatly appreciated!

1. Why is the decade of the 1950s coined the “golden age”?

It would be a good idea to mention that the question applies to the USA, since conditions and perceptions were not the same across the world.

Christians: is it true that god gave...?

the devil time to reign to see how many ppl he could take in order to test the faith of his own (god) followers.. Dont think im dumb. i heard this. Im not Christian i am on a journey to understand more about it.

How in shape do you keep your horses?

My horse is a little paint mustang-mix in great shape. He is almost 20 and he is still doing three foot cross country courses with no problem. I ride him 6 days a week for and hour each day. I very from a long trail ride with jumps here and there to a nice dressage workout in the field

Friday, July 15, 2011

Eschatology question: What happens after the Millennium?

We are satan. The only devils are humanity. Eschatology is an imaginary carrot on an imaginary stick to goad people into sacrificing all for the xian illusion.

When should i stop breastfeeding?

Allowing the baby to naturally wean is the best time to stop. Forget what other people say. If they are making comments about you nursing a 2 year old then they have not had enough education about the benefits of extended nursing. Ignore them. If they told you to rub whiskey on his gums for teething you would ignore that advise. You are doing the best thing you can for both you and your son.

Does anybody know who sings this song?

who sings the song with the opening lines "we serve a mighty God He reigns from heaven above we serve a mighty God angels praise His name we will do the same." ?

Am I legally allowed to beat up this dude?

im pretty sure it wont matter where you cant just beat people up i don't think a court would see his actions as assault and i don't think a day later is self defense. be the bigger man and leave it be. don't sit buy him ignore him its not worth risking your future simply to lay hands on another human being simply because he ticked you off.

I see myself in you, what do i do?

I've been going out with this girl for a few months now. She's a nice, sweet person, but also a bit clingy. She's pretty much everything that I use to be, pretty much marriage material. It started from me being the gentleman which I still am, but after dealing with a letdown from a female I knew for two years, I declared to hang up those reigns & be careful & just date. She can pretty much tell me everything she likes about me, but I can't with her. I feel pressured when asked & am not ready, neither am I ready to hurt feelings. What is there to do?

Girlfriend Help, going out at night?

Ok, I have a girlfriend and she dresses pretty revealing when shes out, she tends to show off alot of her chest, not just a little and she will make sure that they stand out.. I love her but everybody knows that will attract attention, she goes out without me by the way with her friends, which is cool i dont mind it, i just dont no wat her priorities are? like should she calm down abit now that she has a boyfriend? she doesnt seem to take me into consideation for anything, its either love it or hate it type of feeling about the whole relationship to be honest, and i do wanna work for it, usually i would be awkward as s... about it but im learning that its her choice and i should respect that, which i do but just get my head messed up i guess..

Poetry: First time written as a woman ^,..,^?

I like this one...."How I Tried to Reclaim my Sexuality by having Casual Sex but Instead Felt Ambivalent the Morning After" can save the other choice for the sequel. People tend to make those kinds of mistakes in pairs.

Do you think it is a fair assumption to assume that all critics of Islam are Christians?

I am a Muslim and I know that most Muslims welcome debate. But we are against ridicule of our religion because that hurts Muslims, many of whom are foreign immigrants. There is nothing "racist" about it but when the object of your ridicule are primarily people who don't look like you, it does become an ethnic/racial problem.

Good horse name for 16.3 hand grey tb gelding?

I'm buying my first horse after 15 years of riding and being in the horse industry. I'm an equine business management major too so I'm so excited to get my first horse. The horse I'm buying is a 9 year old 16.3 hand grey tb gelding. He's pretty close to being white. He has showed in the past but I do not know his show name. His barn name is Sam or Sammy and he is such a sweet guy. He did the big eq and adult amateur hunters with his old owner until he had a stifle injury. He now does 3rd level dressage. My friend got him after his old owner just left him in a field after he was injured. She sells horses for a living and told me about him and I love him and decided along with my parents its time to have a horse of my own. I'm trying to come up with a good show name for him. Any suggestions would be great! Thanks guys!

Do you agree with R-Truth when he says there's a conspiracy screwing R-Truth?

I certainly do. He didn't deserve what happened to him at Capitol Punishment! The WWE Universe shouldn't stick their nose in important WWE Championship matches, and that Little Jimmy screwed R-Truth out of a WWE Championship reign! And the WWE Board of Directors does nothing? I am supporting R-Truth's fight against the Conspiracy and his Little Jimmys!

Who was the best and worst diva's champion?

I think the best(without being bias)was Michelle McCool and the worst was Alicia Fox.I don't count Jillian Hall's reign

How would a hamster escape to outside as in out of the house?

I lost a hamster for almost a week now. I have a two story house and checked everywhere for her ( hamster) but can't find her, I leave out treats in every room, and I check everyday if it did eat it but no luck. And there's no way she can be in the vent because it's up in the ceiling. So everybody tells me she probally escaped outside. Like how would she get outside?

What about Prince William and Kate Middleton inviting "royal tyrants" to their wedding?

They've invited the royals from Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Swaziland, Qatar and Kuwait (among others). I know it's because they're royals and they're supposed to invite other royals, but it seems a little hypocritical on William's part. The leaders of these countries have brutalized their own people and tried to stifle democracy. I thought he was all about human rights and having a conscience.

Has the time now come for Sangakkara to retire gracefully?

His reign as the no.1 test batsman for few years has come to an end. Should he retire gracefully before becoming the next ricky ponting.

When Jesus comes back for his 1000 year reign will he come back as flesh or spirit?

If it is flesh then he must have some very sophisticated anti-aging technology which I woud like to learn about.

Am I being harassed at work?

They were celebrating my Birthday at work today and one of my co-workers purposely bought me a carrot cake and put pink candles on it saying, "Since you are a Vegetarian we bought you a carrot cake with two pink candles on it." This was in front of everybody there. Then they started laughing as I blew the candles out and one of them said, "oooh! He blew out BOTH of them." I am a known Vegetarian at work, but the pink candles I'm not getting. What are they trying to imply?

Help I think I messed up really badly.?

The shelter should not have let you adopt this cat. It is miserable at your house. And your own cat is miserable, also. Some cats, just want to be loners. Cats are not pack animals, like dogs. So, a lot of people only have one cat, and that makes the cat very happy. It's a shame if you are going to make these two cats live together for a YEAR! Find the new cat a new home now, or take it back to the shelter.

Does this make me a domineering wife?

My husband claims that he has final say of all decisions made in the car because I get final say in the house and at the store. I feel like I might be stifling his critical thinking skills...

What are any of the religious cults good for?

It is to make a ton of money. Joseph Smith and Charles Taze Russell must have had some level of contempt for the pope, but enough respect for the craft of priestmaking.

Help on my report on Versailles!!!?

People saw the astonishing beauty and then lookd at where they lived. They were hungry and angry so they had a revolution.

My life is being controlled?

Im 19 and I feel like my mum is controlling my life more than ever before. She gets really overprotective when I want to go out to clubs and bars so much so that I have to lie if I want to go. She wont let me get any piercings although i secretly have 2 piercings and a tattoo she doesnt know about. I dont know what to do because Im feeling so stifled...I thought things would be different once i turned 18 but it seems to have gotten worse. I just want her to accept me as I am and let me do what makes me happy.

Buy or Sell: Shelton Benjamin could of been a world champion?

I think The WWWF/WWF/WWE has had 2 African-American World Champions in 6 Decades: The Rock and Booker T. There have been a lot of great African-American Wrestlers pass through the WWWF/WWF/WWE over the last 6 Decades who never even got shots at The WWWF Championship, The WWF Championship, The WWE Championship or The World Heavyweight Title. You cannot tell me that Rocky Johnson (The Rock's Dad), Tony Atlas, Bad News Brown, Hacksaw Butch Reed, The Junkyard Dog and Farooq did not have the tools and the skillset to be World Champions. Shelton Benjamin had the look, the skill, the physical presence and could have been a great champion. the WWF/WWE Booking Team never opened the door to provide that opportunity. The WWWF/WWF/WWE has never had a Native-American World Champion and you can add The HIspanic World Champions and Asian-American World Champions of the last 6 Decades on one hand.

USA/UN/NATO putting Al Qaeda in Charge of Banking and Oil Revenues has the world gone Insane?

If this is true, it's only fair. Al-CIAda deserves a reward for starting the war on terror.. This thing is very profitable and only getting more so. They deserve a piece of the pie.

Helpp with historryy!?

Can't you even TRY to answer some of these yourself? and how can you be sure Gemyni's replies are correct?

How to make friends at new school, anyone?

Next year, I'm starting in a new school where everybody in the grade/class has known each others for years. I have never talked to anyone there before, how do I make friends with them? I've always had my friends for as long as I can remember, and I've been the guy who just stands by his current friends, I've never really tried to make new friends for the past years. Why? I have many good friends, I've just never really gotten to make new friends, but now I will have to. How do I become friends with people who know each other well but have no idea who I am?

Am I legally allowed to beat up this dude?

You'd be convicted of assault...and probably beating up an immature kid really worth getting your salad tossed in juvie?

If gas goes to $5, would you support mining oil from sand and shale?

And accept the responsibility for the big ditch from Colorado to the North Pole. If we do that, we would burn and pollute fossil fuels for at least 100 years, stifling our progress on solar, wind, and other high tech energies and warming the earth until all the water is melted. Do we only do things because they are cheap? Don't we do what is right?

Would this be possible without making the main character a Mary-Sue?

Yeah, it's possible. Anyone with power will face opposition. Just because she's a god doesn't mean everyone will love her. Good luck with your story :)

Life is overwhelming for me. Am I made to live?

I can't eat and I can't sleep. My thoughts just won't leave me alone. People tell me not to think too much but I cannot help myself. I hate that I don't have all my answers. I hate living. I hate depending on people too because I truly think no one really cares. No one listens. All they do is judge immediately and it's extremely frustrating for me to open up and be vulnerable. Hence, I turn to the net. Sometimes, I feel so broken beyond repair. I really hate the emotional rollercoaster... it is true that I have troubles taming my thoughts. My imagination is not very kind to me. After all the impending thoughts, I feel insecure, scared and depressed. Right now, I just do not feel safe living anywhere. My mom, she doesn't get what I mean by I do not feel safe. She sees my circumstances and nothing seems wrong. On the inside, however, I really do not feel safe. Once again, I am typing aimlessly. It could be that I am depressed, there is a knot in my chest and I can't breathe. Whenever I get this, I wish I could scream at the top of my lungs or cut myself. Life is too overwhelming for me. It doesn't help that I am so damn skeptical and analytical. I don't think I can trust anyone anymore because all I see is people trying to use me to get what they want. I can never be sure that people are really being sincere or whether they are acting a certain way to get what they want in life. And I've been having outbursts of tears for almost a week now. I don't know what to believe in anymore. A part of me feels like dying because I am so weak.. I do not think I am meant to live in this world. Honestly speaking, I do not exactly know where all my unhappiness stems from. Maybe it's due to the fact that I feel used and abused by those around me. I see myself as a victim of manipulation. My kindness has been taken as my weakness for way too long. It can be said that I am a people pleaser. I have troubles saying no, voicing out my opinion, standing up for myself. Stifled and suffocated, I really do not know who I can turn to and trust anymore. What should I do?

Is it better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven?

If someone gave you the choice to either go ahead and go for the whole heaven thing, but also gave you a second choice. Become the new devil. Lead all of Hell and then everybody who had ever been condemned to hell would be at your mercy and service. You would be THE man. King of hell or servant in heaven? Isn't that a tougher choice than most people would think?

Why is it about reigning-in Fannie and Freddie that makes it a "right wing extremist" idea?

Because liberals never saw a problem with Fannie and Freddie, especially Dodd, Walters, and Frank. To this day, I still think they can't see a problem with fannie and freddie.

Is it possible to go to an acting school AFTER college?

I am currently a student at Dartmouth College, however I have a low gpa due to failing science courses for pre med school: it's 3.0. I still want to be a doctor, so am taking another year to do the prereqs and get my gpa up, however i already have the courses for my psych and english major and am thinking of finishing up to get my theater minor as well. I enjoy writing, acting, singing, etc, but that won't pay the bills. I've always had a dream of acting on stage or for TV, but it was stifled by parents. the question is if I take the year to not only to my pre med reqs, but to finish my theater minor and participate in more productions (i have acted in two and have written plays for 4). Should I go to an acting college during my gap year of applying to med school? Can I even get in and how? How hard is it to get into the Yale School of Drama? PLEASE HELP i'm sooo confused. I will have a BA, but do I need to get the BFA if I want to continue acting?

Do you think some people are looking for problems where none exist?

Do you think some people have skins that are way too thin and stifle legitimate questions because they see everything as a racial slur?

My horse rolls his eye back?

Yes, it could be from pain, but it could also have been from an issue in his brain or spine which put pressure on the body and strained it. Try seeing a vet, who might also be able to help with the stifle problems too.

Is it bad to date your friends sister.?

it seems really wrong. and to be honest he really smothers her. like it seems like he doesnt let her have friends that arent also friends with him. i noticed that she wont hang out with us at lunch and i think its to get away from her brother. she is really a great person. there are some things about her that could use some work but for the most part she is really good. its just that her brother, always wants to be around her and its really stifling. like even if she said yes to me, how would we even date.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Women who have ticklish feet, do you dread pedicures?

girls who are so ticklish on their feet that they squirm and fight to stifle their laughter while getting a pedicure. Do you dread pedicures for that reason? Do you get embarrassed over your reactions, if you're in a public nail salon, or do you just think its funny?

What Is A Good Last Name For A Girl Named Reign?

I Dont Think My Last Name Would Fit Well With That Name So What Are Some Good Last Names That Would Fit With Reign

Why do Neocons aways want the US to go into countries and massacre civilians?

First Afghnistan, then Iraq, and now Lybia with 'humanitarian' air strikes. When will the Neocon's reign of terror end?

Will Jack's reign be short lived on the Y&R?

I see poor Jack being on the outside again unless he can suck up to Tucker, remember even Ashley didn't want him to run Jabot. Also when Kay finds out what he did to Victor with the stocks. But, will Tucker want Newman's stock in exchange for Jack being CEO of Jabot?

Can my high school stifle my religious beliefs?

For my english class we have to do a form of rebellion against a certain thing. I personally dislike organized religion with all of their beliefs and customs. My form of rebellion will be to wear a hat for one day in school which is not allowed except for religious reasons. I will claim that the hat must be warn based on my religion and personal beliefs. Since they cannot prove these feelings to be false or my religion would they have a legal right to tell me to take off my hat. If muslims and jews can wear religious clothing i feel that my religion if only an act of rebellion should be allowed as well. Who is to say whose beliefs are right or real?

Do you think its ok that my parents treat me like this?

dude. you're 19. you can do whatever the heck you want. the only reason they're controlling you at this point is because you're letting them.

I want to become an actress. Please help?

Hello, my name is brittany and i'm 15. I want to become an actress, not for the fame, money, or none of that crap. I want to becnme an actress because i feel like i have talent, and i want to show off my talent. Its been my dream since i was younger to become an actress, and everyday there's this voice that i hear telling me that im suppose to be a actress, and thats my destiny. Problem is, my family is struggling at the moment, and i dont have the money for a acting coach, or agent, or nothing. I did hear something about Drama universities and i would like to attend there in the near future but i dont know if Georgia or Florida has any. So if you could help me with that, that would be helpful. back to the acting, i feel i can really do this, and everybody says i have the potential but i dont know where to begin. When you answer this question please give me some really good answers and not just 3 sentence answers. Im really serious about this and want this very badly so i would love you guys help. Thank you

Can a jehovah's witness and a Catholic marry and have a happy life together?

My wife was a disfellowshipped witness when I met her, so I didn't think she was serious about her faith. She engaged in regular holidays and was totally cool. When we got married, she fought hard to get back into her congregation. It took a while, but she eventually got reinstated. I never went with her to meetings during this time, so she did it solo. I figured my indifference would stifle her resolve, but I was wrong. She doesn't push her doctrine down my throat, she is usually pretty cool about stuff, nor does she force me to go to meetings. I am conflicted because when my extended family gets together during holidays, I'm usually there alone or with my daughter and my wife stays at home. I fee llike a fool, so half the time I don't go to basically protect my pride, but I kind of miss my family sometimes. What can I do? Note: I will never convert to JW, even though some of their doctrine makes sense, the rest, such as the destruction of all those who are not JW's at armageddon, the false prophesies, the rejection of blood, is complete hogwash. On a different note: The bible was written by men, normal men, inspired by god, perhaps, but still written by some group of clerics way back when. The JW faith is based merely on one man's interpretation, one man out of billions! Was he right? I don't think so. It would be as if I decifered the bible and created a new religion based on that. Also, the false armageddon keeps changing to suit JW doctrine: from 1914 to 1918 to 1975, and yet, my wife still supports these claims and accepts them as fact. Wake up people!!!!

Do American citizens have a right to not be offended by the thoughts or ideas of another?

I'll bet I can find someone who is offended by people talking about cute little puppies. Does that man have a "right" to stifle such speech, since he's offended?

Help! masterbedroom HOTTEST room in house?

I live in a split level townhouse and my bedroom is the hottest room. It feels like there is no circulation even with the AC on. The other rooms are way cooler than mine. A good 10-12 degrees cooler. How can I keep my room cool. Early in the am like around 3 or 4 I had to turn on a fan. It was still that hot. Currently I have a ceiling fan and a small rotating fan going throughout the day. I keep the blinds shut and the window closed. The heat is just stifling. What else can I do to lower the temp. I don't have a lot of money so are there some cheap inexpensive things I can do? Thanks.

My mom is extremely sad about me going to college... Advice?

i don't think it's okay for your mother to pull you back. me and my mom are best friends but she knows that when she's dead i will need to take care of myself and if i want a family. you need to talk to your mom tell her that you won't forget her but have to be a grown up. call her every night if needed and try to slowly break away from her. even best friends have lives away from each other.

Could the American military take on all the militaries of the world at once?

Well America is the most powerful in the world but no if every country declared war on the US. it wouldnt take long to destroy us

What would you do, if you had the chance to become God Almighty?

If I were God Almighty, I would fix this whole screwed up existence. I would resurrect everyone from the dead, make everyone to be loving, kind, and joyful. Of course I would feed everyone so no one is starving to death, I would give others the chance to feed them, but if not I would feed everyone. I would get rid of all diseases and sicknesses, and make a happy life for everyone and everything. I would make one big happy family and I would command and force everyone to be loving to everyone. If I have all power I can do anything, including making people happy as well as making everything perfect (just right). There would be no abuse allowed, I would protect all kids from abuse like a normal guy would do. I would protect everyone. I would even raise hitler from the dead and make him joyful and loving and cause forgiveness to reign. What would you do?

Does anyone roleplay Harry Potter anymore?

I used to roleplay Harry Potter all the time on Bebo, and there were millions of roleplayers on it and it was so fun, I haven't done in in about a year or 2 and i've grown out of bebo. Does anybody roleplay Harry Potter actively on facebook? Or does everybody still go on bebo? If so, send me a link to your character and maybe if I make a new roleplay account I could add you? So facebook or bebo for active Harry Potter roleplaying?

Christians, I have a difficult question--10 points for best answer!?

As far as I understand it there will be some that are taken, the rest left behind and will endure any tests due to the devil's last chance to turn those remaining. Who will be taken only God knows. After that the earth is remade into paradise. I think it will be like a second Eden of sorts where only the love of God matters but everybody has their own way of seeing it. In truth nobody can tell exactly what is going to happen and what we will see, the only one with the answer is God.

Boyfriend thinks it's ok to party with other women, is he right?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I think it's time that YOU went out with some other guys. Make sure someone takes pictures of you hanging on them and having a good time. But just to reassure him, you could always have sex with him when you got home from hanging with these other guys. Eventually he'll get the picture and stop hanging out with the other girls.

What kind of people do you feel most comfortable around?

I was going to say people with the same interests but like people with different interests too. I feel comfortable around people that are easy to talk to and who like to talk as well as listen.

Isn't USA on the verge of economic collapse especially with all wealth,rule & control in the hands of the FEW?

Yes and the republicans would like to see that spread between the haves, and the have not's become even greater.

Poetry advice, help, criticism :]?

Hi. lovely poem, with strong feelings and emotions. i love your creative style, your words choices and topics is awesome. you have a vivid poetic persona. Good job keep it up.

Is it okay for me to feel like this?

So my birthday is tomorrow and i'm going to be spending it alone. At my house. I can't do anything fun like invite my friends over because i'm sick. My dad has to work, my brother is going to stay with our cousins, and my mom has to take my Granny Carolyn to a doctors appointment. So i'll be spending my birthday all by myself while i'm sick. I don't know if I should cry or get mad. Is it okay for me to be mad at everybody for abandoning me on my birthday? Is it okay for me to want to cry?

How to get rid of overprotective "helicopter" parents?

that's pretty much how my parents are. I am not going to college yet, I'm 17, but for example, this weekend, I am to do nothing but work. which is the same as last weekend. and the one before that. etc. I am not allowed to do anything without being told specifically that I may do it, and even my computer use on MY computer is monitored and limited. for example, 5/6 of the internet is blocked and I may not play any of my steam games, as my dad wants to be able to use my account whenever he wishes, which he might not be able to do if I was able to use my own property. my advice is just to do it. forget what they say, and do what you wish, now that you are (probably) a legal adult. If you don't escape now, it will be harder later.

What were the educational qualifications of hitler, stalin and mao?

I have heard that the three tyrants did'nt even complete school, is this true? I guess that does explain their reigns of terror

Caught in the middle, caught between 2 things?

Marriage only makes things harder, not easier. Money, kids, family, health -- big issues will take center stage. If you can't handle the relationship now, when you haven't these issues, how can you expect to have a happy marriage? You really need to take a step back before you make a big mistake.

Do you like my character design?

Yes!!!! This is an amazing idea - I love it! Your character Tenko is gorgeous as well. I really wish I could do what you do O_o so far I just practice drawing but maybe someday.. Good luck to you and I'd be delighted read what you have made so far if you have it uploaded somewhere? Definitely go through with this one :)!

Brown discharge after sex!! im PREGNANT?10 points.?

I think you will start in a day or two. Are you using any birth control? I don't know who you're married to, but if you married an American man and he brought you over from another country, you need to know your rights. I'm worried about you, to say the least.

What do you think of the beginning of my book? This is not all, but just part of it. (The 1st Chapter)?

its not bad, but it just seems a bit scattered. your sentences change tense a lot, and they're a bit choppy. but the storyline is pretty good.

ATTENTION MAC ADDICTS!!! - The best MAC products?

I'm a beginner when it comes to makeup, and I'm obsessed with the beauty community on youtube. Of course, practically EVERYBODY has a ton of MAC products, and the only product I have from MAC is their Lustreglass in Flusterose, which is a perfect color for my skin tone. Ive also really wanted to try the cremesheen glasses, but I've never gotten a chance to. So anyway, I want you guys to tell me what your favorite lip glasses from them are, and their other products that you're in love with (blushes, eyeshadows (include colors, please!!!), matte, shimmer, mascaras, etc.)! thanks so much! I'll do more research and try them out, whoever I agree with gets the best answer. =D thanks, bye!

College Or National Guard?

How about you finish college. Then go into the national guard, so when your go in with a college degree you will start off as a 2nd lieutenant (officer) which is a lot better and more money than an non commissioned officer (NCO) also try checking out military website so it can show you benefits.

Would you read this story? Please?

I think it's good, and you definately have talent. You could make a little more descriptive language though and perhaps make the prolouge part of 1st chapter? And you definately need to make the chapters bigger-longer. I also think you should develop Zach and Chloes relationship over a longer period. Please do not think of this as horrible or mean-just a bit of advice. Also, I love the idea, and it pulls me in. XD

I have a fear of social situations. How do I act more outgoing?

I want to be outgoing so badly you don't even understand. I am not exactly shy when I'm talking to someone one-on-one, I'll have a good conversation with them and usually talk a lot. But when it comes to being in a small group of people around 5-10, or a classroom, and anything larger, I literally have a fear of these kind of social situations. I can't talk to more than three or four people at a time, otherwise I get so freaked out and act shy and quiet. I'm paranoid that nobody will like me. I also feel like I don't fit in with anybody and everyone is so outgoing in these groups of people and so fun and exciting and they like to party and they do fun stuff. I have never been to a party before (like the "big" ones), I've never had a sip of alcohol before, I've never had a boyfriend and I've never done anything illegal or interesting that these people have done that people seem to like to talk about. Its not like I want to be a drunk sex-obsessed crime breaking partier or anything, but I want to feel like I can understand what everyone else thinks is interesting and I just want to fit in and for once have something interesting to add to a group conversation instead of sitting and listening to everybody's fun life while I sit at home and twiddle my thumbs, wishing I could make friends so easily (I have a terribly hard time making friends) and feel like I actually belong in this college setting. So I digress, but seriously, what can I do to be more outgoing and actually talk to people? I'm sick of my phobia of people and I hate myself because I'm this way. It sucks and you have no idea how terrible it feels. Please don't say its impossible to change. I hate the way I am. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

How to ask my BFF for her number over facebook?

You don't want to be too over-emotional if she's your best friend, because if you do she might find it hard to talk to you about it! Just be how you'd usually be with her. Say something like "i'm going to miss you, do you mind if I get your number so I can text you to meet up at some point in the summer?" And then that leaves it open, so she can take it either way! Sorry if this didn't help.

Why am I the only single one out of all my friends?

I'm 16 years old, never had a boyfriend, never kissed a guy, never even held hands with a guy. Everybody says im gorgeous, pretty, etc. I mean it never really bothered me until now when everyone is all lovey dovey with their boyfriend/girlfriends in front of me. I seriously decided to be by myself & study at school then be with my friends. I don't wanna be around them while they're kissing and hugging on their partners. It makes me feel left out. I'm not trying to say I want a boyfriend just because everyone else has one, I just wonder why no guys have approached me or anything. Is there something wrong with me?

What are better brush alternatives to MAC?

i would definitely recommend you to try ecotools. its rated number one on many websites. and its like honestly so cheap and the bristles are soo soft! it doesnt shed and picks up alot of stuff :D i would also say elf brushes are good

Is there anyone I can talk to about extra-terrestrials?

Because I feel like someone is trying to stifle my learning. As well as the learning of the world. It's not cool. I don't appreciate the government covering all of this up. People need to know about everything that's really going on. It isn't fair to mankind, to blind them like this. Most people go throughout their lives, concentrating on things that do no good. I don't appreciate the lies and the deceit that is going on, and it is counter-productive. For speaking what I believe to be truth, something may happen to me, but why? Why can there not be truth? Humans are trying to maintain control of the people and it's DESTRUCTIVE! The earth is being destroyed and every inch of power is trying to shield the eyes of people everywhere from it. And it's still obvious! What the heck? I've had a lot of personal experience, and I know a lot of people who have gone through similar things. So why is it all such a secret?

Give my wife EVERYTHING she wanted for Valentine's Day, yet she is mad.?

After posting this so many times, it's STILL not funny - weird, huh? Maybe if you keep posting it, it will somehow magically become funny...

22 yrs old having baby number 2?

So my brother in law and his gf decided to have another baby (planned it) there 22 & 23 and the girl has a 1yr old son with another guy who never came around..anyways my bro in law doesn't have a car and Is always calling my husband for a ride and its. Getting to the point where its ever week.. my husband doesn't feel like he should do it bc his brother is an adult now and should have a way back and forth to work ( he works at a daycare, his gf works at a cable place) I fel ike his gf should be concerned about her bf and baby getting home from the daycare. So now they decided to have another baby she's now 3 weeks preggo and neither one of them plan on furthering there education ... (they think there better than everybody) so now I'm just worrying about how things are going to change as far as them planning on depending on my hubby for rides everywhere, I mean my hubby works downtown and is in college and its like he doesn't want to bemean but at thesame time there doing Grown Up things so wy can't they get there stuff together.. what advice to you guys have aboujt he situation??

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What do you think of Christian and CM Punk getting title shots at MitB?

I, personally, think Christian should have moved to the back of the line after he lost his rematch clause match. Why should he get another 3 (or whatever it has been) shots at the title just because he 'got screwed'? Plenty of stars have had their championship matches end in ****** up ways but they haven't got several more. As for Punk, I think it's high-time he got another title shot seeing as hit last WHC reign was..........I dunno but it was like a year ago so I feel he deserves this shot. I just hope to God he gets it seeing as he's leaving the same night. John Cena shouldn't even be champ right now; He's not even WHC material!

Dog does not eat by his own?

I have a male Cocker spaniel, he is 1.4 years old. For first 6-8 month I feed him with my hands as everybody does. Then I started with keep food in bowl. He was eating from bowl but now he hasn't been eating properly for the past few weeks, he refuses to eat his normal food (pedigree) so we've been cooking eggs\cheese etc. Then after a while he doesn't eat himself unless we feed him by hands.  He doesn't seem to have the energy when he doesn’t have food. I'm really worried and I don't know what to do. Please help me figure out what could be the problem and why he is not eating by his own. Is he bored of food? Thank you so much for your time

What's your opinion about Fruits Basket?

I just want to know what people think about Fruits Basket, like what their favorite character is...Plus, my daughter asked me to ask haha. Our whole family loves it and we'd love to know what everybody else thinks :)

I've been receiving mixed signals? Is he interested?

Well I like this boy and I've known him ever since the last day of school LAST YEAR. Sometimes I'll catch him staring at me, I look over at him and go "what?" and he's like "huh??" and then I say "You dont think I don't see you staring at me?" and then he blushes. I have his number but he NEVER replies to my texts!!! Hd only replies if it is something important. When we graduated a special class and all got tee shirts I said a few weeks later I said hey, everybody wear the tee shirts? And he was the only one that listened.! I can go on, but do you think he does? When ever he Yates at me he is like checking me out and practically looks like a dog with his big eyes and is drooling! Ill punch him every once in awhile, shove. But one time I was in line holding soda in the lunch Line and he knocked it out of my hands ad I was like "I didnt have any money to pay for that anyways." and then we both started laughing. And one time after lunch I was waiting with my friends for something and he puked me into the wall and I said "What the F-" I turn around there he is standing, smirk on his face and he runs away cuz I give him my evil eye. Would you say he likes me!!???

Horse freaks out in shows?

he could just be excited if he's done a lot of shows and likes to canter or maybe ur not giving the right signals.

Writing romance? Please help?

Yeah the typos were something I noticed right away but as long as you know they're there you can fix them. You finish this section off really well but when you start the "love" scene it's a bit awkward, when you start with him holding you (if it is you). I would say move into that slower, a little more dialogue before he starts holding her or make it obvious that it is a friend embrace, otherwise great story!

"Small Government" Cons: Why do you want Government telling gays who they can't marry?

Because cons aren't small government. You've already pointed out one inconsistency. They also want to restrict what a woman can do with her body (abortion, prostitution). And they support an $800 billion military. You can't advocate small government yet support military spending that exceeds the military budgets of the next 10 highest spending countries in the world.

ATHEISTS:Has this ever happened to you?

Sometimes when I hear people on t.v. being like, "repent" and "Jesus is the best!" I think to myself "these people are idiotic bigots who couldn't care less about others if they weren't Christian." Those kind of Christians are just really annoying and silly.

What not to do when driving a stick shift?

I've driven only automatics since I've had my license. I recently when car shopping and found an awesome deal on a sweet car. I couldn't pass it up. The problem is the car is a stick shift. Everybody says it's not very hard to learn. I haven't had too much trouble but I do have a few questions about what not to do. Things that are bad for the car. Any info would be great. When yielding, after being in second gear, should I slow down and shift to neutral or just stay in second gear through the turn? (Assuming I'm not stopping just slowing down to yield) Also, when down shift do I have to depress the gas while releasing the clutch as I would when shifting up a gear or just depress the clutch? And while down shifting can I be slowing using the break or release the break while depressing the clutch? And can I shift into neutral from any gear? The answer to those questions and any other helpful tips would be appreciated. :D

Trying to lose weight but slipped up!? help?

How do you know that when that is false? This is why you don't listen to little rumors on the internet or by word of mouth. The reason why you don't eat a few hours before bed time is because of acid reflux which damages your vocal cords and your throat. You still burn calories and digest food while you sleep. Nothing 'shuts off' because you are asleep. If it did then you would have major health issues besides weight. Also fruit is one of the easiest things your body breaks down. You probably used up all the nutrients and calories already.

Atheists / non-christians: Do you believe in a historical Jesus?

I always thought he was probably an actual person, but lately I am not so sure. There's no direct evidence, and the gospels themselves were written 100 - 200 years after he lived. So there's no eyewitness testimony that could possibly have been written by someone who actually saw Jesus. christians sometimes drag out the old chestnut of "Well there's more proof for Jesus than Julius Caesar," but this fallacy is easily trumped by the fact that we have accounts written by Caesar himself and coins of him minted during his reign. This is first-hand evidence. No such luck with Jesus, and he didn't leave a scrap of his own writing so all we know is what other people said about him. The REAL founder of christianity, Saul of Tarsus, doesn't even acknowledge any historical accounts of Jesus (other than his hallucination), which you think he would do if Jesus had actually existed. I just don't see a single piece of hard evidence. What do you think?

What do you think of this part of my story?

Its an okay start but you should try tightning it up a little and don't repeat Lily at the start of almost every sentence.

Im 13 and can cook and clean but my mom thinks im little plus shes strict?

im really shy and everybody thinks i cant do anything because im spoiled and an only child. but if everybody went away for a day i could clean the whole house and cook whatever but nobody believes in me.did I mention that im shy?! help please!

Religion: why is there so much variety that confusion reigns?

why can't "God" or whoever come tell the whole world what the deal is, once and for all, in a way that leaves no room for debate

I have just been diagnosed as having lung cancer my husband & adult son are driving me insane?

as they insist on doing everything for me I was fully independent before my diagnosis I love them both & I know it`s their way of showing that they care about my well-being, how do I tell them without hurting their feelings that I find their attitude stifling.

What do you think is the number one reason some people have such a strong need to believe a deity exist?

I think some people fear living in a world where there's no intelligent being in control over all the chaos, in the universe. Some people need to feel there is an intelligent being with ultimate control over the universe, that can restore order when, and where it sees fit. Because let's face it living in a world where chaos reigns is scary!

Is this a good cheer?

R-A-M-S we are the best. United we fight to win all our games. Purple and White will reign once again. Come on rams, lets win!

What bad decisions did Margaret Thatcher make?

As the question asks, what bad decisions did Margaret Thatcher make during her reign. Explaining why it was bad will help! thanks :D

Historical book questions?

Consider what you have learned about the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. Why do you think that these historical events are popular with the authors who use them as the context for their stories and plays?

Are you able to make your sneeze silent & unnoticed, or do you just let them out?

i WISH i could like stifle them/hold them in or atleast make them unnoticed. i HATE my sneeze- i always sneeze 4-5 times in a row, and theyre these loud AH iSHHOOO' embarrassing during class/at work

Does God Has A Destiny For Everybody..?

i hear the term"everything happens for a reason" alot because is soon as i become a starter on my football team my legs break and im out for the season and my parents where like god has a plan for everybody...if so...why work so hard to achieve something that god will not allow to happen..alot of the rich/famous stars in movies were druggies and highschool dropouts and they become rich out of their minds...lindsay lohan doesnt deserve the fame and money she has..heck waka flocka flame from what i heard didn't even wanna be a rapper and now he's you can pretty much walk the streets and smoke weed all day(from what i heard thats what waka did) and become successful whili people who actually work hard and talented get bullcrap out of why even bother with it???

What's your favourite world title reign in wwe history?

That would be a tough one. I'd have to go with JBL's reign as WWE champion on Smackdown. Everyone that watched that show was watching for one of two reasons; to see what he would do to keep the belt or to see who would finally take it from him.

How do I handle things with my friend?

So, I'm 16 and my bi sexual friend came out to me 3 weeks ago. I had no problem with her being bi, because I have tons of gay guy friends. She told me she liked me, so I told her I'm straight and didn't like her, but now she's like being weird. She'll text me little <3 and she'll tell me she loves me. Then on facebook she tagged me in a post telling me she loved me. Now everybody thinks I'm a lesbian. Two nights ago she sent me a relationship thing on facebook and when I rejected it, SHE CAME TO MY HOUSE AND KNOCKED ON MY EFFING WINDOW AND TOLD ME THAT WE WERE GOING TO SEE A MOVIE. Just last night she keeps sending me messages on facebook about how she loves me and wants to have s3x. Her first message literally said "I want our 1st time to b special <33" Then She thinks where in a relationship or something. Then today, I was at the mall with my boyfriend, and somehow she found me and came up to me and kissed me!!!! I deleted her off facebook and tried to tell her that I didn't like her nor could I ever like her. Now, she keeps calling me leaving me very sexual voice mails. I'm afraid she's going to start telling my boyfriend lies about how I'm in love with her and how we already had s3x even though we didn't. Then, she keeps driving by my house and she slows down to look inside. I'm so scared!!! My parents won't listen to anything I say. It's really getting annoying, because she calls me every 15 minutes and texts me like every second! The phone company won't block her number either!! She came over to my house like 30 minutes ago and I told her I wanted to talk so she went in my room and started to take her clothes off. I'm afraid she's going to rape me!!! I don't really want to call the cops because everyone will know and it might embarrass her. I want to be her friend, but I don't want to be her girlfriend. What should I do? Thanks xoxo

Do you think its ok that my parents treat me like this?

My parents are the same way! either break free and go against them and stand up for yourself or just deal with it and do what you can until you graduate college. good luck.

What's bigger, LeBron James ego; or the magnitude of the Heat's loss to the Mavericks?

Is there anything better than the pre-season celebrations in Miami being stifled by the crushing defeat doled out by a rag-tag group of humble journeymen out of Dallas?

What do you think of this WWE storyline?

Not bad. I think anything is better than what the WWE will do (which is CENA WINS OVERCOMES ODDS OHMYGOD).

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Need help dealing with my boyfriend's anxiety issues?

My boyfriend has recently been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and i'm finding it hard to deal with. He gets hyper sensitive when i tell him he's upset/annoyed me by doing something. He gets really upset and says he can't deal with me saying things like that to him yet i don't see why i should stifle my feelings just to protect his. I do try and be sensitive about it but he takes criticism so badly. I also find it strange how his anxiety doesn't affect things like going out or drinking! It always seems to come up when we argue, though he gets stressed about work too. I don't know how to deal with it. I really care about him and want to help but i want my feelings to be heard too! Help!

Good simple recipe for chicken empanadas?

Help. I have made beef empanadas before but never chicken. After some research on-line I've found a ton of recipes with too many ingredients and they all seem to call for hard boiled eggs. This makes me question the entire recipe. I've had chicken empanadas before that were made by a Puerto Rican family member and there wasn't any egg in them. Maybe she cut it so small I couldn't tell. Not sure. I do recall a tomato flavor and green olives. I know that different nationalities cook their food differently. Puerto Ricans do it their way, Cubans do it their way, etc....I plan on using frozen dough so don't worry about that part. I just need help with the filling. If everybody tells me to put eggs in then I guess I'll take your word for it. LOL.

Is it true that people associated with the military hate autistics?

Your weird fantasies about reorganizing the military and your gross misapprehension of comparative military power might have something to do with it. And the "girl crazy" thing. We are professionals and expected not to go crazy around our female colleagues.

Atheists: how prosperous was the Greek civilization compared to the ancient Judeo Christian one?

So the people who invented philosophy are some how less worthy then the people who started the dark ages by destroying generations of knowledge and setting humanity nearly back to the stone age? Good to know.

How is stifling energy use and production progress? Don'tcha just love this "guy"?

He wants a new world order. A one-world government. A world without borders. In order to make that happen, he has to collapse the economy of the U.S. and build up the economies of other, less fortunate countries. Like the middle east. The world leaders have vowed to give the middle east $40 billion for job creation and to rebuild. This, while Joplin was completely wiped out. Obama does not put the U.S. first. It's obvious. But there are those who will only listen to what he says and think he means it. Sheeple.

Is the US in danger of having a Christian Taliban in the near future?

A place when religious law reigns with morality police everywhere? Isn't this what most Christian groups strive for when they meddle in politics?

Would you rather live in a house that is cold and you have to wear a sweater and extra blanket at night?

OR -- live in a house that is so warm you are sweating and need fans (NOT air conditioners) blowing in every room to move the stifling air around and create the smallest breeze??

What were the educational qualifications of hitler, stalin and mao?

I have heard that the three tyrants did'nt even complete school, is this true? I guess that does explain their reigns of terror

I don't know what to do!???????? >.< Please Help!?

So, I'm 16 and my bi sexual friend came out to me 3 weeks ago. I had no problem with her being bi, because I have tons of gay guy friends. She told me she liked me, so I told her I'm straight and didn't like her, but now she's like being weird. She'll text me little <3 and she'll tell me she loves me. Then on facebook she tagged me in a post telling me she loved me. Now everybody thinks I'm a lesbian. Two nights ago she sent me a relationship thing on facebook and when I rejected it, SHE CAME TO MY HOUSE AND KNOCKED ON MY EFFING WINDOW AND TOLD ME THAT WE WERE GOING TO SEE A MOVIE. Just last night she keeps sending me messages on facebook about how she loves me and wants to have s3x. Her first message literally said "I want our 1st time to b special <33" Then She thinks where in a relationship or something. Then today, I was at the mall with my boyfriend, and somehow she found me and came up to me and kissed me!!!! I deleted her off facebook and tried to tell her that I didn't like her nor could I ever like her. Now, she keeps calling me leaving me very sexual voice mails. I'm afraid she's going to start telling my boyfriend lies about how I'm in love with her and how we already had s3x even though we didn't. Then, she keeps driving by my house and she slows down to look inside. I'm so scared!!! My parents won't listen to anything I say. It's really getting annoying, because she calls me every 15 minutes and texts me like every second! The phone company won't block her number either!! I don't really want to call the cops because everyone will know and it might embarrass her. I want to be her friend, but I don't want to be her girlfriend. What should I do? Thanks xoxo

How to help heatstroke?

Okay so I'm pretty fit and am stronger physically and mentally than most of my friends but I've been on vacation while this conditioning camp was going on and I just came back halfway through to do the camp. Being more tired than everybody else is a given but is there a way I can help with my overheating? I drink enough water but not too much so I don't throw up. O yea and please dont suggest a break b/c they never allow us to sit on our butts and just chill. Btw I'm in the Texas summer heat at 10-11 outside which is about like 97�. Any suggestions would be great :)

Why is Obama creating a position to try and stifle free speech?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is Sims Medieval worth playing?

I don't know I haven't played that game in like in 2 years. Ever since The Sims 3 came out I stopped playing it cause I was just so fed up with the graphics and such and the game-play was weird to I just wasn't satisfied with it as I was with The Sims 2, I didn't even care about the freeplay game world thing. I just can't even remember why I was so fed up with the game-play I think it was because of the non-storytelling effect that The Sims 2 had sure they had wishes and stuff but I just got really bored with it and I was like to myself how are we going to make this work.

I want to leave my school !?

i want to leave my school , i left my previous high school do to the fact that i was treated horribly , bad everything . moved to vocational high school . but nothing is interesting to me none of the "shops" i like and its getting me mad because i want to become a actor and not waste my 3 years of high school doing something im not interested in , my parents don't care and the told me to just drop out , the school i am trying to get to is literally 5 min away . everybody around me goes there except me . i want to but i don't know what to do . i willing to do anything to get in and have a fresh start at school . PLEASE HELP

Do people in a huge college get to know everybody?

for instance fau, with 30k students does everybody get to know everyonee especially if you are a freshman and someone else a sophomore whats the chance of you meeting them... long story

Parents: Do you have polices on what clothing your kids are allowed to wear?

No, thats really stupid. As long they don't dress like a slutt or a stoner or a hobo or anything stupid then I don't care. I used to dress in tshirts and jeans with a pair of old school converse and I had small liberty spikes and my parents absoutely loved me the way I was. As long as my kids are well educated and know right from wrong then I won't tell my kids how to dress. Religion is a joke and just plain stupid but whatever floats your boat.

Will it be a SHAME when Spurs fail to get in the CL....?

dont rule them out yet but if city get in to chapions league figures will go a record low their squad it terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and liverpool i feel a bit sorry for them as the beggining of the seaon they were going to be realagated but now they have bounced right back but defiently stop them

If you had a case of the "giggles" at a serious moment, what did you do to stifle them or cover them up ?

Pinch myself or think of something from the past that was embarrassing. I understand because those giggles can happen at a funeral to. It doesn't mean that you think the situation was funny, but those giggles can crop up when you are in a business meeting or in class. All it takes is someone making a funny face or dressed funny.

Why aren't more Americans afraid of the EPA?

The EPA functioned fine for 30 years. No regulation killed any jobs. Then bush came along with his corporate welfare system and destroyed the economy. But why is it that the Republicans think destroying the environment will improve things. Do they not remember Love Canal, poising people didn't help the economy in the 70's. The Cuyahoga River catching on fire from all the pollutants dumped into it didn't help the economy. And lets not forget that cap and trade was Bush sr's plan and it worked just find during the economic boom of the 90's. Bachmann is an idiot.

Can an old horse that rides Western be taught to ride English?

I have a 17 year old Appaloosa mare, and i ride her western mostly. She probably could be ridden english too. She has a torn stifle and the vet said she wouldn't be able to ever ride again, but she does. If i could ride her, could she be taught to jump? Thanks!!

Care to read and review this piece... Thanks :)?

Mornin angel, bitter sweet write, and better off the girl is for the dismissal. Hugs. Have a wonderful Sundy too, thanks.

Does Stellah make a good quality bass guitar?

Hello everybody I am getting into playing bass. The only problem is I dont have a bass. I had one that was given to me when i was younger by a member of my fathers churches band. It was a 160's vintage sunburst fender jazz. BUT then one day i had it in the corner of my room leaned up against the wall. AND my grandmother mopped the floor, saying oh collin it wont mess up the bass it will just get a little worped. =_= its a electric so it got fried an they said theyd get me a new bass but never did, couldnt afford it. But now we can and we have a budget of 200 or less maybe a lil bit more for the guitar an we are getting the plug n play amp for 30 bucks. The bass on ebay we found on ebay is under 200 an i love how it looks. Its a stellah, but i dont know anything about the company, do they make a good bass? an will the plug n play amp work with a bass guitar?

Are dogs intelligent, or is my dog just different?

I've never had a dog before, but i know people who do. Every person i know have dogs, and the owner is forever telling me that they're nuisances, idiots, complete & utter morons & brainless. So i never really wanted a dog, but then i fell in love. His name is banjo, hes 2 years old, a male bordercollie, and i am almost knocked back at how intelligent he really is. I tell him to do something, and he goes and does it without a fuss. I taught him what each toy was called, in a really short time, and now he brings me any toy i ask. If i tell him, 'banjo, bear', he goes off and finds me his teddy bear. He even has a hannah montana doll (and its his favorite toy of all LOL), and i say, 'banjo, miley', and he goes and finds her (usually shes nearby his bed, creepy much?). I tell him 'wee-wees', and go 'psss' with my mouth, and he goes and does it. Its like his a robot or something. i do have to reward him however. But is my dog gifted or something? People tell me that i should get him into commercials, because not only is he smart, but everybody says hes extremely good looking, photogenic AND loves his photo taken (he actually poses, and will stare into the camera lens until i say he can move haha). The thing is i have NO idea how to do that. do dogs have agents? Anyways just wondering why mine is so intelligent. And if its common i guess. I like to think that i played a part in his smartness by my amazing training skills, haha, but maybe not.

I can't get over my ex?

I met this boy just under a year ago, we clicked straight away, can't explain it really, we just had so much chemistry. after two months or so we started dating, it was the best relationship i've ever had, he brought out the best in me, we were perfect. no one else seemed to agree though, we ended up finishing because everyone got in the way and made it so hard for us to be how we were when we're alone. from the moment we finished we didnt stop speaking, we still stayed unbelievably close, afew months later we admitted to never really getting over eachother and wanting to get back together, we went out and everything was just like it used to be however once again everybody got in the way and we never became boyfriend and girlfriend again. we still talked though and we know eachother inside out. its now been 9months since the first time we broke up and i just cannot get over him, its got to the point where always thinking about him is actually scary now, because it feels like he never goes away. every night i dream about him, i can never stop. its constantly upsetting me and i just cant let it go, i have tried everything..deleting him off social networks, avoiding him and trying to date other people, but everytime i decided enough is enough something happens like one of our movies we used to watch together will come on so he'll ring me, or i'll walk into a shop and our song will start playing and all the memories come back. i just don't know what to do anymore, it sounds so silly but its actually killing me:( what do i do?

What do I tell her. She won't leave me alone. I"m afraid she's going to rape me?

So, I'm 16 and my bi sexual friend came out to me 3 weeks ago. I had no problem with her being bi, because I have tons of gay guy friends. She told me she liked me, so I told her I'm straight and didn't like her, but now she's like being weird. She'll text me little <3 and she'll tell me she loves me. Then on facebook she tagged me in a post telling me she loved me. Now everybody thinks I'm a lesbian. Two nights ago she sent me a relationship thing on facebook and when I rejected it, SHE CAME TO MY HOUSE AND KNOCKED ON MY EFFING WINDOW AND TOLD ME THAT WE WERE GOING TO SEE A MOVIE. Just last night she keeps sending me messages on facebook about how she loves me and wants to have s3x. Her first message literally said "I want our 1st time to b special <33" Then She thinks where in a relationship or something. Then today, I was at the mall with my boyfriend, and somehow she found me and came up to me and kissed me!!!! I deleted her off facebook and tried to tell her that I didn't like her nor could I ever like her. Now, she keeps calling me leaving me very sexual voice mails. I'm afraid she's going to start telling my boyfriend lies about how I'm in love with her and how we already had s3x even though we didn't. Then, she keeps driving by my house and she slows down to look inside. I'm so scared!!! My parents won't listen to anything I say. It's really getting annoying, because she calls me every 15 minutes and texts me like every second! The phone company won't block her number either!! She came over to my house like 30 minutes ago and I told her I wanted to talk so she went in my room and started to take her clothes off. I'm afraid she's going to rape me!!! I don't really want to call the cops because everyone will know and it might embarrass her. I want to be her friend, but I don't want to be her girlfriend. What should I do? Thanks xoxo

Monday, July 11, 2011

My crush embarrased me?

lmao watta jerk, how old are you guys? if your really young, he's probably not into girls that much yet... if your in like high school, then he thinks your weird...

How to make him interested again?

so theres this guy we talked for a couple months and then slowly it started to be me texting him first every time we talk! and now im starting to feel kind of annoying? but i always see him telling everybody "well why didnt u text me?" like he doesnt like to text first.what should i do? also, is it true its better to play "hard to get"?

Ways to pass the time?(: ?

So I've been waiting for a package today that I am extremely excited about. I am babysitting my little 4 year old cousin right now at my house (but everybody else is home) and we have basically just been playing boring games that make time go by so slow. I have nothing else to do today and I just want something fun that will pass the time for a couple hours while I wait for my package to come. Thanks!(:

Is my dad paranoid - or is the FCC considering lifting all restrictions on TV profanity soon?

the FCC has been incompetent for decades so it's quite possible and the current liberal bias of the washington establishment means it's a dead cert

Stifle Problems, Your opinions.?

I have had my 7 year old mare Since late january, She was trained 2 years of cutting training before her first owners sold her. She then went to a guy who was very interested in cutting and needed a horse to move up a level on so he bought her cause of her fantastic bloodlines. He said that she wasn'tt a high enough cutter for his level. So i bought her cause of her great reining potiential and amazing disposition. Im a 14 year old girl and she is my second horse. A few monthhavinghaveing her her stifle gave out. We have now had it buted TWICE and we think it's getting worse. I would like to know the opinions on the stifle surgery where they go in and clip a ligament around the stifle? I have heard very good and very bad from people who i personally know that have had there own experience. Has anyone had it done before? We have put so much money into her and she is the hardest worker, she would do anything to please and i would just hate to see anything bad happen to her. After the surgery would i be able to do reining or any serious events or would i need to look into another horse? I would love to have you opinions especially if you have had experience with this!

Do you sneeze the same way in public as u do at home, or differently?

at home, i let it out loud like an iSHHOOO!!!!! Thn in public, i try to hold it in and stifle it, but it ends up still kind of loud, and most of the time it makes an embarrassing squeaky noise :/

A question about hell?

Jesus died so that whoever BELIEVES in Him is saved. If you WANT to be saved from sin, you can. But if you don't....well God's not going to give you something you don't want...(there have been atheists who said they wouldn't want to go to heaven, even if it did exist).

Bipolar ll.. But am I hallucinating?

Well, tough to say without knowing more or experiencing it myself. Could be a few different things. Withdrawls from meds but I doubt that. Could be signs of schizophrenia but could also be paranormal. I would hate for a dr to diagnose you with that if you are experiencing paranormal activity. Do you know anyone that is a sensitive to spirits? If not maybe you can find a digital recorder and ask questions to the thin air, leave pauses to see if anyone answers. If there is something recorded on the tape then you are not hallucinating you are just sensitive to spirits,whichh is nothing you should fear because they can't hurt you. Even if it is all in your head it still can't hurt you but you nee to go back on your meds then to see if it stops. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I hope you find the answers you need...

Can police take my collection of pipes and bongs i have for decor/art?

im from florida and over 18,and im moving and im about to move my 50 pipes and about 30 bongs that i collect for decor/art, cause everybody collects something and thats my thing,none of them have been used so they dont have any residue of illegal drugs in them,if i get pulled over somehow and they want to search my car and they find my collection and i tell them i collect them for decor/art for my house, will they take them away and arrest me?,will they say its cause they are drug paraphernalia?,and if they do then why can they sell it in the stores here where i buy them from?

Who would win in a series between this year's Miami Heat vs 2004 Detroit Pistons?

2004 pistons. Overall as a team they were very good, and each player knew their role and did it to perfection. Like you said their defense was amazing, holding teams to under 70 points 5 strait games. I'd take a great team over 2 superstars any day

Please reveiw my poem?

It is well written but not really in a poem way, you could easily turn this into part of a book. Maybe you should consider writing ladies books

Cheap tropical paradise?

My partner and I are wanting to move somewhere like belize or dominican republic, ect. We are looking for CHEAP, when I say that I have a va compensation of 1400 a month and we need to live by that for sure. We want beautiful white beaches(preferably) that the water you can see threw it beings im terrified of sharks and whatever else may live in the water that I dont want to step I want to be able to snorkle and catch our own lobster and fish, ect and the locals we want them to be nice and excepting of new comers. Also mild climate, not so hot its stifling and you cant go outside. Where we can just live in paradise without all the crime and high prices to live. If you have any suggestions please I would love to hear them. Thanks so much!!

I was wondering why when I host a game in mw2 everybody lags.?

I have a 2WIRE 3800 modem. I usually Have a 60 to 70 percent internet connection.The thing is that I cant move the modem either. It att internet.

How can I get this Call of Duty 4 mod to work?

I have Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and I downloaded the Reign of the Undead zombie mod and if someone else hosts the game it works fine. But if I try to host a game(I don't have broadband I'm trying to play a single player zombie game) There are three optoins: non-dedicated, internet or LAN. If I try to host it non-dedicated then it loads the map and I can walk around and everything and it says wave one: 20 zombies incoming but no zombies spawn. Every little while(a minute maybe.) something comes up saying something like punkbuster client in distress(you have to have punkbuster on to host non-dedicated). If I click on internet or LAN then(with punkbuster on or off) then the game closes and a new window called Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Console comes up with a bunch of stuff scrolling down in the console thingy. Then it stops and the only thing I can do is close the console thing. How can I get it to work? Thanks

Afraid! Please give me a piece of advice :-)?

Hi! My boyfriend asked me to spend two days in Florence with him during the Easter holidays. I'm afraid to go, because after the bad experience of the last school trip in Wien, I'm afraid to go on holiday without my family. Moreover, maybe I wouldn't be happy because of his presence, maybe I would feel stifled, because I'm too young! But, it's also true that I feel in love and I'm not a little girl, I'm 18 and he is 23 and we've been together for 3 years. So, are these fears too many? Help me please! I need a lot of indipendence from my family, I guess xD

How to get a facebook?

Like two to three years ago, i had a facebook for like too days and then once my aunt found out that i had a facebook she told my cousin and the my cousin and my aunt came to my house and started yelling at me saying how bad facebook is and how i lied about my age .. but at the time i really wanted a facebook.. and that was like three or more years ago, now im 13 going on 14 and like everybody has a facebook and i really wanted one for the longest time now but im scared what my aunt and my cousin would say because i don't want to get yelled at because i hate getting yelled at... and plus some of my friends don't even have my number and i don't have there's or they don't have cell phones so there is no possible way to talk to them ONLY on facebook! CAUSE I REALLY WANT ONE SO BAD!! like how would you ask them to get a facebook? and what would you do in my situation???

Major depression has changed me. Help?!?

sorry that you have been through so much grief. I sincerely hope that you can get some advice from a mental health professional. Don't let this loss of self continue. it may not all be about your girlfriend, it sounds like you had a difficult childhood. please get help.

When i canter sometimes i lean to far forward in my two point and fall off my horses head but........?

but........... when im sit back more i loosen the reigns and by the time i get to the jump my reigns are way to loose any tips>|?????????

Do American citizens have a right to not be offended by the thoughts or ideas of another?

I'll bet I can find someone who is offended by people talking about cute little puppies. Does that man have a "right" to stifle such speech, since he's offended?

Where did Edward VI of England live during his reign?

Good question and I was not sure but as he died at Greenwich Palace in Kent, I am going to say that is where he lived during his short reign.

Why did everybody say what wrong was with my joke? What is wrong with everybody?

I only need 5s to understand it. Who can understand it ??? link: a href=";_ylt=Agbac0jV.RDwuYjpIuc.VlrW_Nw4;_ylv=3?qid=20110630063248AAG8Ugy";…/a

Does the release of this historic photo somehow damage women's equality?

When I first saw the photo, I thought "Damn Hilary, why'd you do that". It definitely makes the people who campaigned against her prove that she would make decisions in the white house based on emotions, not logic as they thought. I would've reacted the same way because I'm your typical woman who pukes at the sight of blood and squeaks when she sees a bug. But why O why Hil did you put that hand over your mouth? I was so ready to campaign for her again. Lol. And she definitely wasn't putting her hand over her mouth for a cold. You can tell by her facial expression.

Do you think my writings ok?soz if its a bit long but its 4 school and i dont want 2 mess it up.?

I really do like this short story, but it doesnt sound like it was written by a kid for a homework assignment. It really sounded late 19th century. I think the story is very unique, and that you did a fairly good job on the story. But I would like more details on Gurty's dream, and Gurty's past dreams. That would make the story, to me.