Thursday, July 14, 2011

Can a jehovah's witness and a Catholic marry and have a happy life together?

My wife was a disfellowshipped witness when I met her, so I didn't think she was serious about her faith. She engaged in regular holidays and was totally cool. When we got married, she fought hard to get back into her congregation. It took a while, but she eventually got reinstated. I never went with her to meetings during this time, so she did it solo. I figured my indifference would stifle her resolve, but I was wrong. She doesn't push her doctrine down my throat, she is usually pretty cool about stuff, nor does she force me to go to meetings. I am conflicted because when my extended family gets together during holidays, I'm usually there alone or with my daughter and my wife stays at home. I fee llike a fool, so half the time I don't go to basically protect my pride, but I kind of miss my family sometimes. What can I do? Note: I will never convert to JW, even though some of their doctrine makes sense, the rest, such as the destruction of all those who are not JW's at armageddon, the false prophesies, the rejection of blood, is complete hogwash. On a different note: The bible was written by men, normal men, inspired by god, perhaps, but still written by some group of clerics way back when. The JW faith is based merely on one man's interpretation, one man out of billions! Was he right? I don't think so. It would be as if I decifered the bible and created a new religion based on that. Also, the false armageddon keeps changing to suit JW doctrine: from 1914 to 1918 to 1975, and yet, my wife still supports these claims and accepts them as fact. Wake up people!!!!

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