Sunday, July 17, 2011

How should I handle a crazy ex?

We dated for 3 years, he is 20 now. We were in a very serious relationship and thought we were in love, destined to be married. I broke up with him 3 months ago because I was stifled and had emotionally cheated on him, never physically though. I felt terrible and guilty but all I could do is apologize and move on. First he attempted suicide and with that failed he began cutting his arms severely and burning them with a lighter. He would harass me by waiting for me at my car after school, go to intersections he knew I drove through frequently, and call my mom and dad's phones. I went on a cruise for spring break and added some guys I met on the cruise despite his "rules" that I had to wear jeans and turtlenecks and not speak to one male... When he saw I added them, he made a fake profile (i had blocked him) and started harassing them and me with messages cursing me out. I have never been so depressed in my life because of course part of me will always love him. The stalking continues and he even technically raped me the one time I met up with him to talk and he threatened to sue the company we owned together (now just me). My parents want to get a restraining order but my biggest fear is the HUGE collection of "photos" he has of me. If I upset him (with a restraining order) he can turn those over (near 500 of them....) and I will have to register as a sex offender for life because I was under age at the time for many of them. I am furious and upset but never want to intentionally hurt him, I will always care about him. What do I do? My parents have tried to help, but they only understand so much (they don't know about the pictures but know about everything else) And he doesn't care about himself having to register as a sex offender and possibly both of us doing jail time because he is already suicidal and has no preference on his quality of life other than ruining mine. He says he still loves me and wants to be with me, ha. help!

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