Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What not to do when driving a stick shift?

I've driven only automatics since I've had my license. I recently when car shopping and found an awesome deal on a sweet car. I couldn't pass it up. The problem is the car is a stick shift. Everybody says it's not very hard to learn. I haven't had too much trouble but I do have a few questions about what not to do. Things that are bad for the car. Any info would be great. When yielding, after being in second gear, should I slow down and shift to neutral or just stay in second gear through the turn? (Assuming I'm not stopping just slowing down to yield) Also, when down shift do I have to depress the gas while releasing the clutch as I would when shifting up a gear or just depress the clutch? And while down shifting can I be slowing using the break or release the break while depressing the clutch? And can I shift into neutral from any gear? The answer to those questions and any other helpful tips would be appreciated. :D

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