Friday, July 8, 2011

Why am i so sad about selling my horse?

7 months ago i bought my TB gelding that is six years old. When i bought him i fell in love. He was my first horse and i was so excited. Later on i found out he had so many issues. Stifle problems, back problems, hock issues, and much more. He was on 6 weeks of stall rest and his back is better but i can tell he is still in pain. He's also a very spooky horse that is full of energy. I can't ride him without getting a few rears and bucks thrown in. Everyone has brought it to my attention that i should give him away to a rehabilitation center where they will fix him up and find him a good home. I really do want this for him, but at the same time i love him and don't want to give him away. I came really close to giving him away but i had a major reality check. I was up crying the whole night and decided against it. But now i'm thinking this is what he really needs. I know i would get a new horses one that i actually feel like i belong on. What do you guys think i should do? I dont have the money to fix him up and this place does.

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